WVUH Nurses and Colleague of the Year

The WVUH Nurses and Colleague of the Year each pictured with Doug Mitchell, WVUH chief nursing officer: Top row (left to right) Mary Edwards, Becky Richards, and Rachel Howard. Bottom row (left to right) Brett Boyce, Kristin Smith, Marian Longstreth, and Dakota Jones

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Six nurses and a transport respiratory therapist who supports nursing efforts won the top awards at the WVU Medicine-WVU Hospitals (WVUH) 2023 Nurses and Interprofessional Colleague of the Year ceremony held May 12.

“We had a record number of nominations this year – 81 total – from all areas of our hospital. The nominations this year are a true testament of the impact that our nurses and interprofessional colleagues make at our organization, the community, and to all those we serve. All the nominees exemplify excellence, and their contributions are clearly defined within the nursing professional practice model, with the majority focusing on teamwork, milieu, and advancement,” Jennifer Strait, M.S.N., R.N., N.P.D.-B.C., O.D.C.P., director of WVUH Clinical Education and Development, said.

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